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Super Stars and the Pressures of Fame – By Prof. Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai

By Prof. Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai, Abuja, Nigeria, Feb. 29, 2012 – Superstardom carries the   burden, which afflicts a person’s ego, turning one from brute to man and from man to demi-god.Fame is sweet but it fades away, leaving nostalgic reminiscences of the stage-lights, the genuine and fake smiles, the roving eyes of admirers and the perfume that has lost its   fragrance. After the newspapers have published the portraits of acclamations, they end up in the dust-bin or in the hands of the market woman, who irreverently uses the newspaper to wrap fish or other condiments.

In the last decade, the crave for celebrity status has become notorious and in some cases very obscene. Fame provokes envy and the consequences of superstardom are depressingly evident in the way magazines, the lurid paparazzi make stars sacrificial lambs.The putrid press, which shamelessly publishes deliberate fabrications and untruths about famous people, proves my point about the envy extended to superstars, with the sole purpose of taking out some luster and the glitter which is their trademark.

I love all beautiful people. I see in them the inestimable handcraft of the Triune God, the Great Creator. Those, who are of the devil, do everything in their satanic power to denigrate God’s creative ingenuity.

The recent “Death at Beverly Hills Hotel” of Sister Whitney Houston, at the age of 48, shook the human souls in all countries, in a world united by the information technology that has really made the world, a global village.

The death of superstars provokes universal mourning and sadness because these talented people of all races lighten the drudgery of living in a world that is progressively going down the nuclear way.

  The state that strikes another state first will set the global village on fire and the consequences will be disastrous. Those, who sing about love and those at the pinnacle of world diplomacy, who sing about wars, stand on a footing of manifest inequality.

They have no right to terrorize ordinary people, who always get killed in geo-political engagements. All those civilians, who were killed in bombardments in Iraq, Liya, Vietnam, Japan, Pearl Harbour, 9/11 are innocent people, who should be alive like those damned leaders, who caused them to die prematurely.
In their next re-incarnations, these leaders will be cripples, deaf and dumb, mad people, with karmic dues payable before their home-ward journeys to hell, where Adolf Hitler is roasting now. This is a revelation!

This was perhaps the spiritual rationale for raising Lazarus from the dead to write about the unseen and unknown things of the life after life.
The life-styles of superstars is destructive in that after financial success, they are lulled into the world of drugs. They live like nymphs. Glamorous life-styles are adorned with sinful enterprises that lead inexorably to disasters, like addictions, pornography,   the bottle, crack cocaine etc, since these are the only things that satisfy their lusts.

  Their marriages do not last because it is often difficult to bend a dry fish. It remains tumultuous until they visit the marriage registry for “amicable separation”.

A historical reflection on the lives of Elvis Presley, young Amy, Michael Jackson, Sammy Davis jnr, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Whitney Houston, yield a painful insight into how these superstars and extremely talented performers end their lives in tragic ways.

Were they affected by forces they could not control or were they victims of serial evil plots by destroyers of creative artists?
    Was Whitney served champagne during her last party before she retired to her Beverly Hills Hotel? A medical doctor friend of mine deposed that cocaine or cyanide in champagne induces internal heat, which makes the person want to cool off in a bath. The investigators should examine this unsubstantiated idea.
Who were those partying, while Whitney’s dead body laid upstairs? Only people with misplaced conscience can revel in the presence of a human corpse.
Speaking to Naraden Michael Walden, Piers Morgan dared to suggest, though by way of question that the life of Whitney Houston was “ a wasted life.” This is the typical Albion attitude towards coloured people.
  This type of cynicism bears the mark of rascally framed opinion about coloured people, no matter, who they are and what they have achieved.
Chaka Khan described the music industry as     “demonic” I agree totally.   Pop music is made to appeal to the senses of gullible people, especially the young and impressionable, who erroneously think that they are having a good time. Lurid socialization leads to unexpected consequences.

Whitney Houston was simply the best female singer of all times. She sold 170 million records, inspired most young female singers and performers over the years.   Hers was a short but fulfilled life. It is not how long one lives but how well. It was not a wasted life!

In Western nations, the artist is under the demonic influence of producers and film directors, who turn them into cockerels, henroaches, and pawns in the game of fame-building. The superstar bears the pressures of stardom. They face the clag-lights, work for long hours, are always on the move, they eat irregular meals, hardly sleep enough, they have to tolerate the concupiscent approaches of of bald-headed directors and film producers; coping with the paparazzi, pangs   of the most insane fabrications by the tabloids, lunch dates, late night dinners and parties, where alcohol and food abound.

The are regularly harassed by their low-cultured and drunken husbands, jet-lags, mental and physical exhaustions.
The life-styles of superstars can and often drive a normal person crazy. The death of Whitney Houston was “stunning and unbelievable” Aretha Franklin.

The national psyche of people, who live in the so-called free societies, has been under siege, as a result of which the use of drugs has increased.The war against the use of drugs must be intensified in the interest of the race.

During my sojourn in Europe in the 1960s, the crime-rate was low, there was relative prosperity and murder was not as rampant as we now witness. People attended mass on Sundays and they were prayerful. As a result, the Almighty God showed mercy and favour on the race. Since the Supreme Courts of Euro-American states encouraged disrespect of God Almighty through their questionable decisions, there have been climate change, catastrophes, adverse weather, currency fluctuations, financial and economic problems beyond man’s ability to solve.

Whitney Houston will be remembered for a long time.
          Oh that man will praise the Lord
           Oh that man will praise the Lord
           For His goodness and for His wonderful works
          To the children of men to the children
           of men
          He has broken the gates of Hell and cut the bars
          of iron in two.

Professor Dr. Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai, a Writer and Academic is the Academic Chancellor, BOSAS INTERNATIONAL LAW BUREAU, Abuja/Fugar.wp_posts

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Posted by on Feb 28 2012. Filed under Articles, Columnists, Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai, NNP Columnists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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