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Like The Old Tower of Babel, Nigeria is Falling!- By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu, NNP – Dec. 25, 2011 – Whenever one hears of “The tower of Babel,” one remembers Nimrod, “the rebel” against God. It also reminds one of Babylon, one of his centers of rule, before King Nebuchadnezzar almost turned it into a horizontal Babel. Of course, everyone who studies history, especially those of Zion (who do not only study, but take it to life), are not strangers to Nimrod and his futile dream of linking his kingdom to heaven through the staircase of his Babel tower; we also know the end of that pride of the flesh and the message it sent across to generations even unborn. Nimrod was the grandson of Ham and the great-grandson of Noah, the man who alone, carrying his believing family of eight along, surrendered to God’s will. And he was saved, him and his household. But as time flew, pride of self overtook the fearfulness and the love of God which was once their hold; Nimrod rallied the people against his God. And God brought his futile mission to nothing.

One now wonders how the infamous Tower of Babel and Nigeria correlate; others ponder on who takes the seat of that hunter of old, Nimrod, in the Nigerian setup. Wait! Before you burst your bubbles, let me explain, not only why Nigeria is the ongoing Tower of Babel of today’s world, but also why it’s already crumbling. Going through the story of Babel, you will note one thing: that God did not destroy the vision for that building because they had one mind and one voice; no, He destroyed it because they had one mind and one voice against Him- one mind to live in rebellion and one voice to stand in perpetual opposition to the word of God. And so, they planned on invading his throne and challenging His truths just like that old serpent did against Him before Eve. But how did God destroy that plan; simply by turning the understanding of one for the other upside-down. He made them utter strangers to each other and to their very selves. The Tower of Babel which Nigeria is building is the compelling of everyone under that name- the establishing of a strange generation of Nigerians. And how is that so; by erecting a society of corruption, crime and depravity.

Nigeria, even when it has always been known as an epitome of falsehood, deception and the enslavement of souls, was not what it is today…and counting. Just as the old Nimrod knew very well the wise choice of his great-grandfather, Noah, but went ahead, not only to oppose his foundation but God Himself, even so our so-called founding fathers were informed enough to know that Nigeria was an impossibility, yet they went ahead and did all they could to preserve it- including by sacrificing the blood of the Igbo on the alter of Nigeria’s rebellion against God. And as times come and become history, evil replaces another. Today, Nigeria’s lingua franca has become not the mighty English, but corruption, crime and depravity. From the Federal government to the local councils, from the religious bodies to the custodians of traditions, from schools to markets, from the forces to the hospitals, and from the families to the society at large, the language is a trinity of opposition to God: corruption, crime and depravity. It’s increasingly becoming a badge of honor, a mark of the Antichrist, on Nigerians- that, without corruption, crime and depravity, you can’t possibly survive as a Nigerian. Gradually and with lesser resistance from the people (as a result of the chains of the federal government on the citizenry), everyone is doing everything to understand this very “language of the new Nigeria.” God frowns at it, He frowns at every rebellion. He frowned at Lucifer, the very spirit of rebellion, and laid eternal curse of him. He frowned at the rebellion of Nimrod and his people, and made nonsense of their unity. This day, He is frowning at Nigeria and her unity in corruption, crime and depravity. As long as He is God forever, no flesh shall glory over Him.

And dealing with Nimrod, “the rebel” and “the hunter” in Nigeria’s case, you can easily see our politicians bearing the same name and the same goal: “Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.” The impossibility of a continued Nigeria has remained protruding before their very eyes, yet they choose to unite it against all odds- even if it becomes the kingdom of the Antichrist. God forbid! May God alone be true and everyone else false. What He says, He will do; and as long as He remains God and on His throne, the knowledge of the glory of the LORD shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. Everyone must bow at the feet of Christ and confess His Lordship over all of creation. Even after many protests against the amalgamation of the North and the South of what is today called Nigeria, and the British-introduced electoral fraud which informed the coup, Nigeria’s leaders thought it the wisest thing to sacrifice the blood of the Igbo, everywhere they were seen, before the god all falsehood- the very god of Nigeria’s foundation and sovereignty. They suddenly remembered Mesha, king of Moab, and what he did with his eldest son (who should have reigned after him) when they were being defeated by the Israelites; and they sacrificed the Igbo on the alter of their god of falsehood and rebellion so they could keep the said country united against all truths. In their lifetime error, they made mockery of the blood of Jesus Christ and the efficacy and permanency of His atonement on our behalf.

They would rather keep Nigeria united than not crucify Christ over again. So, God placed a curse on Nigeria. Yet the leaders would not listen. A curse was also placed on the nations which support and hold firm satan’s grip on those living within Nigeria; they were given over to depravity and all unthinkable abominations. Their men lust after other men and their women after other women; some fathers even lust after their daughters and sons, and mothers sleep with their sons, yet, to them, it’s alright and acceptable…because the curse on the accuser of the brethren follows those who obey him. It was so because a time of the great harvest and recompense is approaching. Nigeria’s leaders, He allowed in their folly. But this day, as they have unanimously been insisting on a continued Nigeria (even when they know that vision as an utter impossibility and a gross opposition and rebellion against the God of all flesh), He will strike again. First, He will strike the Nigerian society with total confusion, lack of understanding of each other, and lack of patience for everything Nigeria. Then He will strike those leaders who have assumed gods over a people whose true God lives in the abode of excellence and righteousness.

He will strike them with the force of His anger that none of them will know what hits him. From the presidency, through the senate, house of rep, the judiciary, to the labor unions, everyone will misunderstand the other and grow impatient with the prevailing confusion. And the evil “Project Nigeria- the Tower of Babel” will cease. Then, after that, one language will be introduced.  For the sake of the very elect, the language of disintegration will become the common mode of communication. And the chants of “break up, break up!” will fill the atmosphere. Then the Lord will take the center stage, and through peaceful separation, give us a new law- the law of love, faith and faithfulness. Because God still loves the world, His light shall come up again from the land of Africa, and reach the whole earth.

To those still bound in the spirit by citizenship to Nigeria, no matter your height or position, begin to set yourself loose from the influence of that lying spirit. Break yourself free from the language of corruption, crime and depravity so that you may not be caught up by with the fate of those who have led those leaving within what is still called Nigeria against the direction of God’s Spirit. Stand alone from the crowd; stand out today and echo the voice of Nigerians’ salvation: “break up, break up!” Until Nigeria breaks, it will not be gathered. Nigeria, the new Tower of Babel, is already falling. No man should be ignorant in the times of great light. Him that has ears let him hear.wp_posts

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Posted by on Dec 25 2011. Filed under Articles, Columnists, Ikechukwu Enyiagu, NNP Columnists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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