Home » Akwa Ibom, Headlines, State News » Letter to the Akwa Ibom State governor – Stop Gary Foxcroft’s Criminal Activities in Akwa Ibom State

Letter to the Akwa Ibom State governor – Stop Gary Foxcroft’s Criminal Activities in Akwa Ibom State

The Governor of Akwa Ibom State
Government House
Wellington Bassey Way
15th August, 2016
Your Excellency,
Stop Gary Foxcroft’s Criminal Activities in Akwa Ibom State 
I want to respectfully  draw your attention to another smear campaign against the state and Nigeria as a whole that is about to be launched by a notorious Briton by name Gary Foxcroft. This man who hides under the pretext of doing charity work for children in Nigeria but weaves millions of pounds while blackmailing the state, the country and certain  persons using some locals who are his unwilling assets and whom he dishes out peanuts to at the end of his sordid  voyage.
I have  also been made aware of the invasion of Akwa Ibom State by some espionage documentary filmmakers hired by Foxcroft, who went around paying some parents, centers to coerce children to make false and disparaging statements against certain persons of their target interest and indeed the state government to add flavour to their  documentaries and sell in millions of pounds. They have done this before and are on it again; but this time round, it’s on a frightening proportion.
The group works with some desperate, identifiable five individuals from Akwa Ibom and two from Calabar as guides and covert agents. These individuals should be investigated for their involvement in espionage activities and abetting the fraudulent mercenaries.
I can authoritatively state that about five  weeks ago, Foxcroft accompanied these unpatriotic individuals to the Divine Children Center, Uyo where they bribed caretakers of the center to give them opportunity to interview those children, initially with secret cameras. Not minding that some of these children have grown up and don’t need publicity stunts or being used anymore as pawns  for egregious money machines. The center was later besieged by an espionage group again called Red Rebel or Red Label hired by Gary Foxcroft to continue the secret filming of the children. The Red Rebel or Red Label is headed by a lady who goes  by the incognito Mags Gaven or sometimes Mags Graven.
What  baffles any right thinking person is the easy access  to the government center  granted by the center operators to these charity scam artists who became   nouveau riches overnight. There is need to overhaul the center and bring in patriotic individuals  and persons who are not despicably desperate in the sight of these white con-men.
These white scam artists claim to support children and reverse  superstitions as their primary goals  which may look good on the surface, but for the past ten years, they are still doing the same job  in Akwa Ibom State. How long are they going to continue with such  machinations without scrupulous checks? A few questions to also ask here are: Do their unwholesome activities not have a planned  duration or time-bound? Do they not have a goal setting in place? Must Akwa Ibom or Nigeria be their only place to run their nefarious activities and in perpetuity?
I am willing to give out the names of the dubious individuals who are colluding with these white con-men led by Gary Foxcroft. So far, I have been able to unearthed the names and addresses of  three of them, known to be indigenes of Akwa Ibom State while the two from Calabar have also been identified with their names and addresses.
Your Excellency, the time to take action now!
Yours faithfully,
Mfon Joseph
1. DG, DSS
2. Chair, EFCC
3. Chair, ICPC
4. IGP
5. DG, NIS


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Posted by on Oct 11 2016. Filed under Akwa Ibom, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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