Home » Headlines, NYSC (National Youth Service Corp) » Meet widow who sponsored graduate that wrote O’level exams 17 times in 5 years

Meet widow who sponsored graduate that wrote O’level exams 17 times in 5 years

Emmanuel Oluwasayomi Ahmadu And his mother, Mrs. Esther Ahmadu

A Nigerian virtuous widow, mother of five children identified as Mrs. Esther Ahmadu, who recently retired as a teacher in the civil service in Kogi State has demonstrated that there is more to motherhood than childbirth

The unflinching effort of Mrs. Esther Ahmadu over her children despite roaring obstacles is a twin to Sonya Carson’ – the mother of Dr. Ben Carson who went through thin and thick before raising her son who has now become a renowned neurosurgeon in the World.

Emmanuel Oluwasayomi Ahmadu, the second of five children of Mrs. Esther Ahmadu went from being a poor student who against repetitive failures and delays soared high to a point of representing both his University and his country – Nigeria, won numerous national and international award competitions.

Emmanuel, professionally known as Mr Voiceover, was pictured in front his mother’s house, showing his gratitude while displaying the numerous awards he received following the impacts he made in Kwara State and Nigeria at large during his just completed National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) programme in Kwara State.

A true template of motherhood such as Mrs. Esther Ahmadu are great inspiration to others, their stories are acts of courage that can empower millions of other women in the country.

On the international front, Emmanuel recently represented Nigeria in Bangladesh, India on 28th July, 2020 via Google Meet virtual conference along side Indian Professors and Mental Health Advocates, where he spoke on “Suicide Prevention” as an offshoot of the Covid-19 pandemic situation which has become a major health challenge across the World.

Emmanuel, who seeks financial support and partnership from national and international stakeholders to drive home solutions to Nigeria was able to share innovative ideas from his sensational story and field experiences that have restored hope to over 200,000 people in Edo, Kogi, Kwara and other parts Nigeria and beyond.Emmanuel told international television network, British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC News that the experience of raising money to register one exam after the other for 17 times in 5 years before he secured admission into the University was a traumatic experience. “My mom has been the one God used in sponsoring majority of my enrollments throughout the 16 primary schools, 14 secondary schools and the entire 17 O’level examination attempts, including the University Matriculation Examinations (UME) I wrote 5 times”.

“As shocking as it may appear, my mom spent virtually all her salaries thereby neglecting her personal needs as a School Teacher, she borrowed money from people, engaged in all types of petty businesses shamelessly and sometimes went the extra mile to obtain bank loan just to sponsor my enrollments and education and that of my other siblings.

She trained us in God’s way from childhood and she never gave up on any of her children despite oppossing tides and societal challenges. She encouraged us all the way, she will always say, “don’t be tired, all will become well.”



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Posted by on Aug 13 2020. Filed under Headlines, NYSC (National Youth Service Corp). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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