Home » Articles, Columnists, Leke Ademo, NNP Columnists » Nigeria Today: Social Media, Prompt Policing and the Release of the 3 BMJS Girls – By Leke Ademo

Nigeria Today: Social Media, Prompt Policing and the Release of the 3 BMJS Girls – By Leke Ademo

By Leke Ademo | NNP | March 27, 2016 – Life is fun, but certain things happen at several times that makes people ask certain questions. The recent kidnapping of 3 students of Babington Macaulay Junior Seminary (BMJS) by kidnappers came as a shock. It made many Nigerians to think of the aspect of life that makes us think and ask questions. Life is fun when all is rosy, but when certain things that are not fun at all happen, everyone asks questions especially when the situation bothers them directly.

Although, as a Sociologist, I write on social issues by proffering solutions to societal problems (such as my recent write up on ‘the naira, the dollar and the heat in our houses’), the kidnapping of those girls really got to me. By decision, I don’t write or speak about negative things, but the kidnapping got me thinking, and thank God the damsels were found. It really penetrated through to me for obvious reasons. I chose not to write about it while ‘we’ were ‘looking for’ and praying for the release of our girls.

When the news filtered in on Sunday afternoon that our BMJS students have been found, I was elated, and still am, that’s why I am writing this article now. First, I thank God that they were released, that’s a proof that our God answers prayers. I also appreciate the Lagos State Government and the Nigerian Police force for their call to action and their drive in seeing that these girls were recovered. I appreciate all bloggers, news agencies, tweeters, and facebook users who contributed in making the news go viral. This only shows that social media goes a long way and is a ready tool for societal transformation.

I was so concerned about the development because ‘yours truly’ was a student of BMJS. I’m proud to be an alumnus of that great institution. The foundation of my social, spiritual, mental and physical values were laid at BMJS. This explains why I have chosen to write at such a time as this. I remember with fond memories my first day in BMJS as a JSS 1 student which took me away from my parents and siblings for some time because of the boarding house nature of the school . Gradually, I learnt how to adapt and how to live with my ‘new family’. It was both challenging and fun. The school has grown over the years, so are its products. BMJS’ products are doing well all around the world. Amazingly, the school turns 20 this year, undoubtedly, it has maintained its excellent records.

Away from my BMJS, the proficient use of Social Media has come to stay in our nation. It has proved to be the new media with a difference. With it, news gets to those that need to see or hear it. One can readily tweet at anybody at any time. Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Nairaland, etc have proved that social media really has a great impact on relevant issues in the society. It has shown that if properly utilised, social media can help solve a lot of issues in the society. It is only evident that people need to be more aware of trending issues and respond to it positively.

I am so glad that the Lagos State government and the Nigerian police responded to the call of Nigerians promptly. Because this was done, Nigerians are celebrating the release of the 3 BMJS girls that were kidnapped last week. Kudos once again to the relevant authorities! This is the Nigeria I have always dreamt of – a place of serenity and security, a place where citizens can be sure of safety wherever they find themselves. The release of these girls gives a sense of respect and trust to the Nigerian police force. I also congratulate Nigerians who chose to be their ‘sisters’ keepers’ by broadcasting until the girls where found. I believe this is the beginning of better things for Nigeria.

The Nigeria of my dreams would continue to progress!

God bless the BMJS that raised me, God bless Nigerian Police Force, God bless Lagos State Government, God bless Social Media and others who contributed immensely in the release of the girls, God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Leke Ademo is a Content Developer and Social Media Strategist by Profession; a Sociologist and Research Consultant by training; and a Corporate Soft Skills trainer. He can be reached through [email protected] or +2348077454779.wp_posts

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Posted by on Mar 27 2016. Filed under Articles, Columnists, Leke Ademo, NNP Columnists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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