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Relax You Will Find Love Again…it is spiritual – By Odimegwu Onwumere

By Odimegwu Onwumere | NNP | April 5, 2020 – 

By Odimegwu Onwumere

The voluminous pieces she posts of Facebook in a day, without a doubt, speak amount how she longs for her husband. She cries in each of the posts and the recent one is whether she can find love again. I have been touched to the marrow after seeing the later post from a mother of two children whose husband transited when I am not in the-know. But I guess his transition wasn’t long and the wife she left on earth has been nursing a wound not easy for her to heal. Her husband is the sermon on her lips and she is not feigning her state of minute-dementia of losing and missing her once adorable husband. Conversely, much as it is not too easy to forget the beautiful memories shared with a lost beloved wife or husband, love is one thing that lives on. I say this because many people across the world need someone to talk to or who will talk to them for a spontaneous healing.       

Factors some of the persons in this lady’s shoe should figure out is that they can find love again. What is required for this onerous task is an open heart and bearing in mind that no age is too old to find love or be loved again. The fear of not finding a replica of the person you lost should be expunged from the mind. Only look for good people and there are still good people out there who want to know you and they need you to run into them.

It is possible that out there in the wild world there are people so good who can turn what seems a collapsing world on you to something blue and lit the candle of love which will spark more than you think you had seen all the flames. Albeit, much as you feel that you need love again with the impression that something is wrong with you, being that it is hard to find that former person again in those around you, bear in mind that there is nothing special about the people around you or you, all that is special at this time is to be in love.  

For instance, it is ‘love’ that is keeping many couples together because some of them are not finding it rosy with whom they are with. This sentence was not invariably saying that one should jump into an uncanny relationship for the sake of one. No. What here was saying is that, when the students are ready, the teacher will appear; as the saying goes. You have to loosen up for the teacher to appear and help each other to understand the importance of classroom where love is the subject.

You have to know that love is like Lotto: You lose when you play the wrong number. But the fear of playing the wrong number should not deter a participant from playing; believing that much often he or she tries to play, one day, the true number will click, becoming a win. No one wins the admiration of people by being indoors always. You only meet new people when you go out and going to new places. Even when you meet people online, you still need a date with them. Communication online can only win admiration but love is practical. Mind you, we can make a man or woman be addicted to us as individuals, when we make positive efforts towards them covertly or overtly.

It is not good when you sit on your heart closing its door for new entrants. It is also not good when all you know to do is sit down in your room or in your car or at work place and feel sorry for yourself. You have to understand that finding love is spiritual which you have to exorcise yourself of shortcomings from time to time to enable new lovers to locate you and come in. However, whether you are looking for new love from the old one or looking for a fresh love, love always come our way when we least expected. This can only happen when you are not relaxed in your comfort or discomfort zone with a mindset of ‘Is there any true love again?’

Yes. There is true love and it is telling you to go out and live your life. Yes. True love is knocking on your door hoping that you will not remain recalcitrance in opening the door to your heart for it to enter. The sad side is that many people focus much on finding true love without making a move to put their past, of course, where it belongs, which is the past. It is therefore imperative that you did not put much responsibility on the other person where you are looking for true love. Focusing your mind on who has the true love is the art of domineering persons. This mindset can only explain one thing of a person – how miserable he or she is.

What you should be looking for is to find that man, that lady, that will bring happiness to you. Well, the parametre used in finding a partner with the true love can’t be found in any market. It is elusive, belongs only in some people’s imagination, in their selfish psych and bigoted scenery. It is not anybody’s job to make you happy or make you sad. These are choices! So, it is left for you to open up to enable the other person to find you. Much as you lament how you want that man from Mars or that lady from Jupiter, you are invariably exposing to the world how despondent you are. Remember that people lose their jobs or abscond from them, when they find out how glum the jobs are. As individuals, our lamentations might be pushing people away from us without us knowing. We continue to lose those who might genuinely have loved us with our boring search for that lady, that man, whose features we want are not of those made in human beings. Let’s be mindful that it pays to get our minds always illuminating.

Odimegwu Onwumere sent this piece via ([email protected]). Mobile: +2348057778358.    wp_posts

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