Home » American Politics, Articles, Columnists, David Leffler, NNP Columnists » The Fastest Way for President Trump to Achieve World Peace – By Arlene Schar Leffler and Dr. David Leffler

The Fastest Way for President Trump to Achieve World Peace – By Arlene Schar Leffler and Dr. David Leffler

President Donald Trump tweeted “I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!” after signing his executive order to officially reinstate US sanctions against Iran. There is a better scientific, field-tested solution to create world peace; one that is more humane and expedient than political sanctions. The method comes from the union of social science and quantum unified field theory—not from approaches utilizing weaponry, and not from the field of politics. This solution, once successfully implemented, would elevate President Trump to the status of a great humanitarian and brilliant world leader capable of solving seemingly unsolvable problems, once he embarks on this course of action.

This approach is called Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). When properly applied, IDT neutralizes the collective societal stress that fuels crime, violence, terrorism and war. In this way it creates a powerful and measurable influence of harmony and peace throughout society, defusing the social conditions that lead to conflict and danger within the population in a way that is humane and beneficial to everyone involved.

The practical components of IDT are the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the advanced TM-Sidhi programs. When large groups of experts practice these programs together, the powerful field effect of coherence and peace generated spill over into the surrounding population, as extensive scientific research has shown. Many published, peer-reviewed research studies have repeatedly confirmed measurable decreases in war, terrorism, and crime, as well as improvements in quality of life such as reduced accidents, hospital admissions, and infant mortality–all tangible signs of reduction of societal stress. Due to this research the non-profit organization Global Union of Scientists for Peace (GUSP) advocates this simple and cost-effective approach for creating world peace. (see: https://www.gusp.org/global-peace-summit).

In highly stressed areas of the globe, the establishment of large groups of IDT experts has also led to increased prosperity and economic growth, including a decrease in the misery index and significant increase in competitive growth. These positive changes in social trends have occurred concomitant with IDT. Its coherence-creating effect has also been documented on a global scale in a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. When large assemblies of civilian IDT experts gathered during the years 1983-1985, terrorism-related casualties decreased 72%, international conflict decreased 32%, and overall violence was reduced in nations without intrusion by other governments. Militaries in South America and Africa are actively field-testing this approach by creating IDT Prevention Wings of the Military to reduce crime, quell violence, create prosperity, prevent the rise of enemies, and create the conditions for lasting peace.

For less than the cost of a few modern fighter jets, President Trump could give the executive order for the US military to immediately train a group of at least 15,000 warriors in this advanced IDT approach. This elite Prevention Wing of the Military would practice the advanced IDT programs twice a day in group to defuse social tensions on a global scale. Once it becomes fully operational, the societal conditions in troubled countries worldwide will immediately improve. Collective consciousness of their populations will rise through the influence of greater harmony and peace. Those who have engaged in violence will no longer do so, and better solutions will occur to the people and their leaders for improving their own living conditions. Studies have shown repeatedly that this method works–and will continue to work as long as the peace-creating group is maintained.

Given everything world leaders have tried which has not worked, and many things tried which have been inhumane, it is certainly worth giving this benevolent approach a try, especially in light of its track record for success. It is simple, effective, inexpensive, and has the potential to position the USA as the world leader of this cutting-edge technology. With IDT, President Trump would not only make America great once again, but truly make America even greater than before, as well as globally respected and admired.

About the authors:

Arlene J. Schar is the Executive Assistant at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). Her husband Dr. David Leffler served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director at CAMS (http://www.StrongMilitary.org).

Pictures and Publications of the Authors:

Arlene Schar Leffler

Articles about IDT:

Dr. David Leffler and Arlene J. Schar (22 June 2018). Ending Violence in Yemen and the Middle EastIran Almanac.

Dr. David Leffler and Arlene J. Schar (16 May 2018). Attn President Abbas: Ending Violence In PalestineThe Great Middle East.

Dr. David Leffler

Selected articles about IDT:

Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight (Retired, US Army), Dr. David Leffler, Duncan Brown, Dr. Carla Brown, and Arlene J. Schar (1 August 2017). Preventive Defense as the Ultimate Game ChangerIndian Defence Review. Also published in Review NepalTerror AlertThe Lahore TimesEurasia Review – A Journal of Analysis and News

UNITED STATES: David Leffler (25 July 2017). Creating an Invincible Military. Real Clear Defense. This article was featured in Fox News (link is now expired) and later reprinted in “United States Air Force Center for Unconventional Weapons Studies (CUWS) Outreach Journal.” Issue No. 1274.

Dr. David R. Leffler (Fall 2009). A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising-Reviving an Ancient Approach to PeaceJournal of Management & Social Science (JMSS), Vol. 5, No. 2., pp. 153-162.

Dr. David Leffler (12 March 2018). Attn: President Putin – No Enemies = No Nuclear WarWhat Finger.

Dr. David Leffler (20 June 2017). Russia-Ukraine-US Tensions will Quickly End if Each President Does this…ValueWalk.

Dr. David Leffler (11 September 2016). Raheel Sharif Is Wrong. Pakistan Is Not Invincible As Long As It Has Enemies. Top Yaps.

Colonel (Dr.) Brian Rees, Dr. David O’Connell and Dr. David Leffler (8 December 2015). Use a Treatment for PTSD that Actually WorksThe Hill.

Dr. David Leffler (2 February 2015). Combating Nigeria’s Growing Insecurity – Dr. David Leffler, Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) in Fairfield, Iowa offers a new option for military plannersAfrican Aerospace.

Dr. David Leffler (23 June 2014). Proven approach to stop sectarian violence in IraqThe Hill.

U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight Jr. (Ret.) and Dr. David Leffler (9 April 2014). Evidence-based solution for post-traumatic stress dilemmaThe Hill.

For more information, see Dr. Lefflers’s list of articles about Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) at:

Explanation for your webpage:

to adopt the IDT model whereby their military becomes not only strong, with more resilient and focused troops, but also more invincible by abating the collective social stresses responsible for crime, war, and terrorism. With IDT the stress cycle is broken by eliminating societal stresses, which in turn eliminates all enemies. It is in this sense that we can say their military becomes invincible: it no longer has an enemy it has to fight. No enemy means no war and no terrorism and reduced crime. A quantitative advantage is gained when a military deploys large numbers of IDT experts. The field effect thus produced provides a strategic advantage in protecting their nation. And, if the group is large enough, the larger field effect starts to calm tensions worldwide as well, starting to protect everyone from potential adversaries.


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Posted by on Aug 14 2018. Filed under American Politics, Articles, Columnists, David Leffler, NNP Columnists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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